Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Color of Politics

The Color of Politics

It’s appalling to me that I be judged as being a prejudice one;
as though I would view someone else as less than human.
It is appalling to me that one would judge me;
One who knows not anything that I aspire to be.
Our leaders should be one that stays true to our constitution;
Our leaders should serve, not rave and ridicule.
For the One that created us all, though we may be black, white, short or tall,
has made us each different indeed.
He calls on us all; He calls all to lead.
To lead a life that speaks volumes to our young,
About human dignity, and what is right, what is wrong.
No power, nor money, nor any worldly thing,
can compare to living righteously and serving our King.
And so if you who may be living for power or for fortune and fame,
come to the end of your life, don’t you think you would have lived it in vain?
So it seems that politics has turned into mere colors,
There is only senseless debating, and then only orders.
And what of “We the people”, and what does it mean?
I don’t know anymore, I don’t think it means a thing!
And some of you that say that you are living for God,
But then call the American people racist, Do not call me that I say!
This is not “change” that is good for tomorrow,
just live righteously today!

Written by Geri L. Phillips; 7/14/10